What I also found it strange that no less than 6 people were in the perfect position to “attack the car”, all within just 3 seconds. The fact DSA and BLM were even in the streets, blocking traffic and not staying on the sidewalks at 1:41 pm is also odd given the fact a state of emergency was declared that day before noon for the entire county and everyone should of gone home 2 hours earlier when the SoE was declared.


About 2 weeks after Heather Heyer’s death, her mother released a statement about her daughters death. Certainly she spoke with officials who gave her the official cause of death before making this announcement. You can hear in her own words; “she died of a heart attack“.  Now, some have claimed it was the stress of the accident, however, of course the MSM is NOT saying that, they maintain she was struck by the vehicle. The courts ALSO ruled the same. HOW CAN THIS BE?

Below are images that clearly show she was NOT struck by the car and was more likely PUSHED by her OWN PEOPLE and then stepped over by some to attack the car. While this raises more questions than it answers for now just listen to the video, look at the images, and make up your OWN MIND. The truth is out there!

Why were police allowing this, or any group to take over the streets and block the only one way road in this area for some 10 blocks? And why did the people not stick to the CLOSED streets? Why did they choose to gather at THIS intersection at this time armed with weapons and wearing protective gear as if they were ready for a fight? All the groups had gone home hours ago… or at least they should have.

We also wonder how Fields, the driver, would have ANY idea these people would be blocking the road. Based on images and reports of his vehicle, he would not of been able to see or know that a group was forming in this intersection and that 2 cars were already blocking the only one way street in this area.


15 min Prior to Accident

Around 1:00 pm DSA and BLM supporters gathered near Water Street and 1st after the State of Emergency was declared at Emancipation Park (formerly known as Lee Park). at 11:42
Around this same time the Dodge is on video at 2nd and Water Street. With the group behind him and NO WAY to know he would encounter them on the ONLY through street in that area just 5 to 7 minutes later, or did he?

Crash Scene Breakdown

We will cover the entire accident from the Dodge coming down the street, the crash itself from multiple angles, and the driver leaving the scene. Warning: Graphic content is posted, please view with caution. By clicking this or any other link you agree you are over 13 years of age.

Crash Aftermath Breakdown

The aftermath of the accident is both graphic and troubling in many ways. We will cover the next 40 minutes or so and point out first responders are doing right and what they are doing wrong. To the trained eye we see MANY inconsistencies with how the scene was handled as well as question who was injured, what kind of treatment the received, and much more.

The Arrest & Laws

The car was found a short while after the accident and the driver arrested without incident. We have a lot of questions about this and will examine these events closely to try and make sense of how they can arrest someone that was lawfully in the road and not let the public know that a MOB can NOT turn you into a MURDER if you flee for your life!

Justice for the Victims

This was a tragic and horrific event, no matter who is finally found responsible. And we can not let these types of acts on America soil. We have had other car attacks, like in NYC, where a man drove on the SIDEWALK for more than a block, this was not the case here. Here, we have much more than meets the eye and we encourage you to go through this entire site and judge for yourself who is TRULY responsible for this tragedy.

Backstory on Monument Removal

Many ask “WHY?” What is going on? Why after nearly 100 years do we want to start removing our history? We will examine the process of removing statues and other historic monuments. We will look at how the city handled this problem when it first came up last November. We will attempt to uncover the roots of the hatred being shown towards our countries history and landmarks.

Main Reason for Investigation

We are deeply saddened by the tragedy and loss of life that occurred on 8.12.2017 and this investigation was only done to uncover the truth and make sure justice is served and all involved held accountable.

This site contains the facts as we know them on 8.28.2017 and are based on careful review of any videos and images we could find online as well as interviews and reports given of the events from both people on the ground as well as interviewed before or after the crash itself.

We started this investigation mainly because the facts were not being reported accurately in the news or by officials.

Now when we saw this live, like the rest of the world, we were in SHOCK and HORROR! And rightfully so! This is a terrible scene and we should never have this happen on our streets again. However, once the shock wore off, that is when i started asking questions. Questions like braking distance, speed of the vehicle, why are all these people in the street and not on the sidewalk at least, etc. And from there the questions only led to more questions and each answer became a new path to follow to find yet more questions.

Hours turned into days, days into weeks, and now here we are, putting together hundreds of hours of investigative material by myself and Army Veteran Lenard Scott, plus thousands of hours when combined with the dozens of amazing American Patriots that have helped put all of this together.

It was pretty early on that we knew something was going on and that basic laws were not being followed and news conferences and reports were NOT matching with what our own eyes saw happen that day.

Because the police department statements were not matching the scene and no real investigation took place based on the video showing no police tape for the first 30 minutes, and police seeming allowing people to walk all over a crime scene just did not ring true. It is really this and this alone that makes all these facts conclusive in putting the responsibility for this event squarely on the cities shoulder because these now looks like a HUGE cover up and they cloud be using it politically to try and push people to either take up arms and start a civil war, or enact a police state and take away our freedom of speech and systematically start converting our country to Communism. Which is not nearly as bad as what comes after, totalitarianism. And it all starts with Socialism, not Democracy or a Republic, like we are supposed to be.

So as we kept looking at the crash site and listening to witnesses, things did not add up. Below is the main video released from the scene. Throughout the site you will find other videos to see the event from different angles. This is a rare opportunity into the what happens during a car accident and with this evidence we can determine how much each participant was at fault.


Looking at the images below we can see a sea of people in the roadway, and not staying on the sidewalk or having the road blocked off. While it was reported that is was supposed to be blocked off, being the ONLY through street in this area officials or someone else may have opened it. Still looking for those answers. Also trying to find out why the group did not use 3rd or 5th, where no cars can drive on, it would have been much safer. Not to mention again, people MUST stay on the sidewalks, not in the roads unless blocked by authorities like during a parade.

Facts NOT being Reported by MSM

With any accident the investigators must take all events and actions leading up the crash to determine who is at fault and what % of responsibility each person involved must bear.

The law is very clear on this matter and is the main reason this has caught me so off guard. Regardless of what people think is in this / or any other persons heart or mind does not automatically let all other participants off the hook when it comes to an accident of this nature. Now that being said, we are not even sure the person driving the car is the person Police SAY was driving the car, and that’s when things start to get very clouded, but we will try and sort out the facts and leave the judgement up to you.

Below we have included a map so you can see the area from overhead. This gives us a better idea of the roads and is what told us that 4th street was the ONLY road to allow through traffic from Market street to the north, down to Water Street to the South.

We find this interesting because out of ALL the streets the organizers could have gone down they chose this ONE. And as far as ANY driver goes, they have NO choice but to go down this street.

Not to mention, this road is normally filled with parked cars since it is a main entrance to the mall in this area but on this day it only had 1 truck parked on it, in a very critical spot. More on that later!

Buy 12:05 we have reports that the park has been cleared and people have not been sent out in the community at large. Can wee say this was really the best move without having a way to escort everyone out of the city to ensure the safety of the citizens as a whole?

Within 15 minutes the DSA and BLM had taken to the streets and were proud they shut down free speech. Is this really America?

It was bbout 40 minutes later DSA is seen assembled at Justice Park, down the block from Emancipation park.

Below we see the Dodge at 2nd and Water Street 7 minutes prior to the accident and the DSA / BLM crowd is no where in sight. It is not plausible for the driver of this car to know what a group of people is going to do minutes later and that they were going to block the ONLY through street for 8 blocks.

Here we see we have the van, stopped in the crosswalk (at 4th and Water Street) 5 minutes PRIOR to the accident. The driver ends up leaving yet passengers remain in the vehicle. How could they know that a mob of people were coming? Though they should of known NOT to leave their van in the road without flares if it was broken down or something.

The driver of the van is seen here about 5 minutes before the crash. Apparently she gets out of the van at some point and starts to film down the street with her iPhone for some reason. She was impeding traffic and we need to know if she did this on her own and for what reason or what she told to by someone?

Within the 5 minutes we saw the van above stopped in the middle of the road, hundreds of people converged at the corner. Blocking traffic to the ONLY through street in a 8 block stretch.

After being in the intersection a minute or two, we see at least 1 person start to wave the crowd down the ONLY road with 1 way traffic coming at them and 2 cars now blocking the road.

After the Dodge pushed through the crowd, the van and other car are pushed about 15 to 20 feet from where they were stopped in traffic. Below we see the driver on the hood of her own van since she was recording the street for some reason, still to be determined.

Crash Aftermath and Arrest of Driver

Looking at the crash aftermath raises a lot of questions. From lack of air bags being deployed, lack of blood between cars and impact damage on the hood of the Toyota. Also the van seems to have damage from a previous accident. We need to know a lot more about the van also now that we have confirmed the driver left the vehicle in the road and was filming the street as the crowd formed around the cars and filled the ONLY through street for a several block area.

We also can clearly see the Dodge was “NOT SPEEDING” down the road as reported and this FACT needs to be corrected by MSM.

They also need to correct the record on the vehicles impeding the street as they are primarily at fault based on current laws.

MSM also needs to correct the fact that if the driver of the Dodge was set out to kill people the way they all describe, he clearly would of gone up on the sidewalk, really PUSHED THE GAS, or done any number of things to increase the number of people he hit, he did NONE of those. This was a 100% controlled crash, and at low speed which is clear by the distance the cars were pushed after impact.

What people should also questions is HOW did he slow down without his brake lights coming on expect for 1 time when he used them to NOT hit a guy running across the road but still come in almost perfect at a fairly low speed, then, while being attacked by no less that 4 people, was able to back up without looking back, as straight as an arrow once past the truck. (Which we have found out only arrived AFTER the van and before the crowd. This truck also has Government plates on it which of course raised a WHOLE set of other questions.)

The laws are pretty clear. While you, as a driver are responsible for being able to avoid dangerous situations in front of you, in certain cases, like this one, where the vehicle is basically BOXED in, with nowhere to turn, comes upon either a group of people or vehicles that are ILLEGALLY in the road, the vehicle that ends up being the final piece in a crash, is NOT solely liable as it has been made out to be in this case. What happens normally is all parties involved are looked at and each holds a % of the responsibility.

Here are some links to third party web sites that discuss the law when it comes to cars and pedestrians.

Here is another good one, from findlaw.

Below is a short clip of video taken from the scene starting close to the driver door of the empty van. We catch a glimpse of the woman who went over the hood, she appears shaken but overall “okay” – she did survive and was not Heather. You will see Heather on the opposite side of the street, a little further up. She is in all black and being tended to by a guy in all black as well. As of 9.9.17 we have found a statement by Heather’s mother that Heather died of a massive heart attack suffered at the time the crowd was moving up the block, only seconds before or right at the time the Dodge came down the block. She was never hit by the car, as can be seen in other videos and since everyone else survived the murder charges MUST be dropped!

More is coming on this and other developing stories related to this False Flag and potential treasonous attack from certain groups. Follow us on Twitter for the most up to date information. Feel free to email us any info, tips or footage you have. We are working to uncover the truth to what happened in Charlottsville and nothing will hide the truth as long as Americans like you speak up and use your voice, no matter how insignificant some might say one voice is.

Based on images found online within hours of the crash, many started to question why the front ends are different. We can also see damage on the passenger door in the pic below but it doesn’t seem to match the image below that.

In looking at the crash damage and calculating the distance the cars were pushed by the impact; it is clear this is crash happened at about 15 to 20 MPH.

Within seconds, several armed people attacked the car, but under what motivation? Surely they had to know they could not win against a car, didn’t they?

And one thing the MSM is clearly NOT saying is that the group of people cleat fit the description of an ILLEGAL ASSEMBLY, armed with bats, poles, umbrellas (with large metal points to be used as weapons) and other weapons, any reasonable person would conclude they were not going to a baseball game and rather were armed to cause damage to people or property.